TFO-M-SI-PI Isolationsfilm silikonbeschichtet

TFO-M-SI-PI is an electrically insulating thermally conductive foil made of a high voltage resistant Polyimide film with thermally conductive silicone coating on both sides for an optimised thermal coupling between electronic packages and heat sinks. Through the specific formulation and filling with thermally conductive ceramic particles a very high thermal conductivity is reached. Under pressure the total thermal resistance is minimised. The material is characterised by its very high dielectric properties. The substrate film provides for an outstanding mechanic stability and cutthrough resistance as well as easy handling.

  • High thermal contact
  • Very high dielectric strength
  • Outstanding mechanic stability through substrate film
  • Extraordinary chemical resistance and longterm stability
  • Residue-free removal after use
  • Sheet 320 x 400 mm
    Others on request
  • Roll 320 mm x 50 m
  • Non tacky
  • Die cut parts

Thermal link of:

  • MOSFETs or IGBTs
  • Power diodes or AC/DC converters
  • Power modules

For use in Switch mode power supplies / Motor control units / Automotive engine management systems / UPS units / Solar systems

MaterialMit Keramik gefüllter silikonbeschichteter IsolationsfilmMit Keramik gefüllter silikonbeschichteter Isolationsfilm
ReinforcementPolyimid IsolationsfilmPolyimid Isolationsfilm
UL FlammabilityUL 94V0VO
RoHS Conformity2015 / 863 / EUYesYes
Resistances1 @ 150 PSI°C-inch²/W0,290,40
Resistances1 @ 30 PSI°C-inch²/W0,550,75
Operating Temperature Range°C- 40 bis + 180- 40 bis + 180
Breakdown Voltage2kV AC6> 6

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