Successful relaunch at electronica

After the long Corona-related trade fair standstill, we are extremely pleased with our appearance at electronica 2022 in Munich at the beginning of November. Numerous visitors took the opportunity to inform themselves personally about our current portfolio and, of course, the innovations from HALA. We were pleased to welcome not only many existing customers but also a large number of new interested visitors to our stand.

The focus was on Pulsating Heat Pipes (PHP) and the demonstrator, as well as a large number of heat pipe assemblies and thermosyphons as exhibits. PHPs represent an advanced future technology which, due to their functionality and performance, can cool very high power densities, e.g. in servers, just like the thermosyphons which were also shown. As thermal interface materials, our highly conductive heat conducting foils and dispensable products, for example for applications in the field of renewable energies and e-mobility, were the focus of the discussions.

The many technical discussions that our experts were able to hold during the trade show indicate that the demand for individual solutions for efficient thermal management is unbroken and is increasing further.

You did not have the chance to visit us at electronica 2022, but would like to learn more about our Pulsating Heat Pipes?

Then simply make an appointment with our experts.

electronica 2022

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