Product of the Month November 2022

Did you know?  We use acrylate as base material for our TGF-IXS-NS type gap filler pads. The material therefore does not contain any volatile siloxanes and is used in Thermal Management solutions in which thermal contact and no-silicone content are mandatory. By the way, due to its extreme softness and compliance, even very low pressure is sufficient to achieve optimum thermal contact. Thanks to its one-side natural tackiness, the material can be pre-applied for easy assembly. This makes it not only our « Product of the Month », but also ideal for thermal management in

  • computers,
  • graphic cards,
  • optoelectronics,
  • laptops or
  • automotive applications where silicone is critical

Curious? Get in touch with us now! +49 89 665 477 83

All details about our silicone free gap-filler can be found here.

Product of the Month November 2022

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