Product of the Month: February 2022

Optimally suited for Thermal Management in automotive applications, medical technology and industrial computers – this is our new product of the month, the Gap-Filler Pad TGF-IXS3000-NS-F. Thanks to excellent force-deflection it’s reducing stress on components. And thanks to its layered structure, it’s also reducing stress on you, because it’s super easy to handle! 😌

Of course, these are only a few examples for the use of this silicone free Gap-Filler Pad, which we also recommend for the connection of components of different heights to heat pipes. Especially if you’re in need of a solution with less oil bleeding than a silicone-based pad and no siloxane outgassing.

Curious now? Call us for advice! 😉 📞 ⬇️
+49 7021 73141 79

More about the Gap-Filler Pad can be found here.

Product of the Month February 2022

Product of the Month February 2022

Product of the Month February 2022

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